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1 hour
Amazing coach. Clam, cool and collective. Awesome teacher and great guy to keep you form tilting while teaching you about mistakes. Highly recommend and will be a repeat customer in future seasons. Worth every penny
3 hours pack
Metalic is awesome, is a fast paced learning so you have to provide your full attention, but it's totally worth it since you can approach many different aspects through the hour. Also had the chance to play against him in a friendly match and he explained both his thought process with his deck and against my deck, as well as things I should be looking for while playing mine against his. He even stayed extra mins past the time to help me reach my new rank: diamond! I'm glad I picked him and will do again in the future.
2 hours
Metalic is nice, that's true. But he's not made to be a coach. He doesn't help in any ways. I used to teach my scientific field in real life, so I know a thing or two about teaching. Basically, he tells me what to play and why he thinks it's better. Ok, I get that: it answers to the part "When to trade and when to face" and "Board control, value trades" on his page. However, "Deck playstyles" (what is that?) and "Meta adaptation" were then not present during the coaching sessions. Deckbuilding was present but only because I asked him and for about 3mn, tops. The bad thing is that the first hour, he was "busy" in real life and quickly left after the first hour - telling me pretty much nothing to get better. Second hour, he told me that I played too fast at the end of the hour. That's better. But to me, that's cheap teaching as I already knew that (since it's myself that told him that I was playing too fast during the hour session). Therefore, although I hate to say it, Metalic is not suited at all for being a coach and you should get rid of him. He might be a good player but that's pretty much all. He's not a teacher to me and you certainly don't feel he's having fun trying to teach you anything in this game. The only weird feeling you feel about him is that he's only here for money and that's pretty much all. At the end of the second hour session, he told me that I could contact him anytime: fair enough, I did (on Discord) and what happened? I can't message him anymore because he deleted me from his friendlist (and I just wanted to tell him that I had a tournament where I took my time before each play this time and led me to beat the 27 top europe legend player + lose in quarter finals - so nothing fancy).
3 hours
just a fun and friendly player that wants the best for everyone and helps you where he can
Excellent boost rating
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About me:

Hey everyone, my name is Nikita. I started playing Hearthstone since the Curse of Naxxramas expansion.

During that time i got the achievements like:

  • #1 Legend peak on EU server
  • #12 Legend season finish
  • Multiple-time cash tournament winner

About coaching sessions:

First of all, i need to know, which goals are you pursuing - it might be the basic game understanding, rank improvement or a better tournament results.

For all these situations i have a different type of methods for you. So coaching sessions can be different: it could be a theory stuff, i can watch your games in ladder, point you out a mistakes that you're making or we can practice with each other - it depends on you how do you want to spend your time with the coach!

So, what can i provide you during these sessions (depends on your goals and skill level):

  • Deep understanding of basics: value trades, mulligan stage etc.
  • Tips/advices for a rank improvement (no matter which rank are you)
  • Discussing the current meta, deckbuilding, etc.
  • Tournament practice: how to make a proper mind set, best picks/bans, analyzing the difficult spots

If you want to be better at Hearthstone - I'm waiting for you :)