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Best TFT Compositions


If you’re here, you are wondering which composition you can use to win a match. Technically, there is no set answer to that question, as there are numerous variations that can lead you to victory.


Be that as it may, the game’s meta is very dynamic, and this makes for an exciting situation. Still, it’s all about leveling up so you can gain access to the higher cost units quicker to put yourself in an advantageous position. The fact is that some comps do this better than others. If that wasn’t the case, why would tier lists be a thing that anyone cares about? Check out these compositions below that are currently hailed as the very best.




If you’re going in the direction of the rebels, then your best assets include units, such as Ganglplank, Jinx, Yasuo, Malphite, Zed, Ezreal, and Aurelion Sol. When rebel units get going and get access to buffs, such as Demolitionist, things can get rough for your opponents.


Jinx as a carry is crucial to your plan here, and Last Whisper or a Red Buff can work wonders in your favor. Aurelion Sol and Gangplank both fall under the five-cost category, so you must play smart to get to the point where you can access them.


The rebel buff doesn’t take too long to get, and at level six, you get the full synergy bonus. Gangplank is your ace in the hole once he gets to let loose, so Guardian Angel is great for him. Ensure he’s in your frontline with a group of melee units, and you should be good to go!


Astro Snipers


While various patches led to some adjustments, this comp remains relatively high on the food chain. The idea here is to use Teemo and Jhin for their sniper prowess that combines magic and attack damage.


Early on, the best thing is for you to have two snipers working with two frontline units. Caitlyn and Ashe work best here, but if you can find Jhin or Teemo early, that’s even better. The ideal situation is to be running four snipers or two snipers who are supported by frontline or mystic units. Of course, this depends on the units you find.


Plan your carries in a way that feeds into Jhin and Teemo’s synergy with magic and attack damage items. Also, an early Brad is good, since Astro is an asset to the team.




This meta is another solid composition, but it highly depends on your ability to use your items well among the Cybernetics. Your key players here are Vayne, Ekko, Leona, Vi, Fiora, and Irelia.


Cybernetics excel with single items, so Cloak, Belt, or Tear work wonders on units, such as Fiora or Leona. Remember that these items build well into Ionic Spark or Redemption.


Lucian is a mid-game asset, and Red Buff is an optimal choice for him, as you hope to find Vayne or Irelia. Note that if you don’t have the six Cybernetics, you can use a Blademaster or Sniper in the interim. Note that your snipers should be as far from the enemy as possible.


Once you find Vayne, he becomes your mid-game carry. If you found Ekko, he and Irelia can be your secondary carries.