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Competitive Map Pools for Overwatch Season 21


If you want to have that edge over other teams, you should be familiar with the map. Yes, it should be “maps” as there are a lot of game locations that you need to be familiar with as you play. Studying this map will help you device a more effective game plan for your team and future matches. As 2020 marks another season for Overwatch, changes, and updates are inevitable.

Have you ever heard the competitive map pools for this season? If not, no worries, we got you covered. Let’s read more to know which location is included or if there are any additions to the pool.

New Year, New Season… New Maps?

Map Pools was just introduced in the later part of 2019, and since then, players were given a new twist and flavor to their beloved game. In the earlier weeks of March 2020, Hero Pools came into the big picture. Both of these are unique flavor to the game, and while they are completely different from each other, both need to be studied well by players to make sure that their game plan will work.

Today, we will be talking about Map Pools. Changes brought up by these updates may have pose difficulty to the players, giving them reasons to give out their feedbacks. While some were thrilled about it, others wanted a substantial change, hoping that the kind of “distinct” experience and “identity” that they are wishing will all come true.

Well, the Overwatch dev team hears and reads your feedback. That is why, this year, according to their official website, their dev team will be implementing unbelievable sweeping changes for Map Pools

Achieving the Overwatch Goals

The team have initially implemented this kind of system to achieve their primary goals:

·         Decrease the matches that are being held on the Horizon Lunar Colony and Paris locations. Reducing the matches will also mean having these maps to change and hopefully improved in the coming years.

·         Add more flavor, differentiation, and a bit of competitiveness each season. The dev team wanted to provide more distinct identities for every hero in every gameplay.

There have been feedbacks about the change in map pools every two months starting the season. However, the dev team have then explained that if there is a frequent change or rotation to this pool, it will hinder the goal of achieving distinct identities for the season. If you are asking if there are new maps, well, there is none as of this moment. But who knows, there will be updates to the system. In terms of the available maps for this season’s competitive play, well, if you are praying for a certain map, lucky for you, it is included.

There is a high chance the map that will give you advantages to the game is included – except for some.

With this, they have decided to stop the rotation starting April 14, 2020, and they will be including all maps throughout this competitive season. Both Horizon Lunar Colony and Paris are the maps that will not be included in the pool. According to the dev team, they will be updating these maps to improve the gameplay. Once the improvement is made, they will be added back into the pool.