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How to Dominate DOTA 2 Games


Today, DOTA 2 is one of the popular online games ever made. The popularity of this game flows in the online cyber world and just every single LAN gaming outlets. DotA 2 has always been the hottest subject in focus. What many gamers usually talk about DoTA 2 is the techniques or strategies. So, here, we will be giving you some methods to use:

Mind Game

As a player, it is vital to becoming familiar with your enemies. You need to be conscious of the skin or characters your enemies are using. Understanding what type of heroes they utilize, allow you to know what kind of technique in attacking they use. So, you are able to counter them once the right time has come.

Never underestimate your enemies. There are instances wherein players often gave chase to their enemies who experience a certain level of damages, but they are not aware that a trap has been planned for them. In these cases, we highly suggest not to give chase to keep away losing vital gold to your enemy. It would put your teammates in a disadvantaged situation when the opponent gets more gold for powerful items during the game.

 Last Hit

This is a very vital technique in DOTA 2 because it enables you to get a huge amount of gold, and it will also determine which party has lane control. Also, this technique will allow you to have enough gold you want to get powerful items needed to keep in front of the game. 

Creeps Blocking

This kind of technique needs a lot of practice in order to become perfect. The reason is that you’ll be dealing with the AI, and the patterns are different each time. But, if you are able to use it, you’ll know how to deal with them efficiently. 

The purpose of this technique is to enable the enemy’s creeps to be closer to your tower that is a much safer place to stand. This brings many perks in terms of gold and experiences. 

Item Proficiency 

Knowing the features of each item enables you to save time in farming and purchase the perfect item that boosts your hero’s true capability. Each player should have a predetermined concept of what to purchase at the beginning of the game, and what to aim for in the inventory list. By knowing the complimentary item build for the hero will improve its power as well as direct damage. 

If you want to enhance your skills in playing DOTA 2, make sure to hire a DOTA 2 coaching. Coachers have the expertise to help you how to win this game.