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Three LoL Tips Every Player Needs to Know


LoL is the most popular free team games online today, and it only means one thing: you have got the serious competition to deal with. If you want to enhance your skills in playing this game, then there are tips you have to know, above all else, to assure your success.

Map Awareness:  This technique plays a vital role in playing League of Legend. The lane control game play as well as the setting of the team requires proper coordination and alertness. In this online game, players need to have an idea on the location of their teammates and the capability of their hero as well as which enemy is missing from view.

In case you don’t have a good idea of what your teammate’s characters are able to do, and their location, then you might miss out on many easy kills, or get yourself killed unnecessarily. This is particularly true when you lurk too far away from the safety of your towers and fall short to account for the fact that a missing opponent is roaming the map, quite possibly ready to trap you from behind.

Last Hitting: This is a new and efficient game technique that you need to master if your want to thrive in this game. In this technique, you need to let your minion wave in your lane for serious damage to the opponent's minions. When done accurately, last hitting technique, you are able to collect or farm money successfully, but also keep your wave of a minion from pushing far to the tower of your opponent’s fast.

This is a vital concept to know for your success, as keeping the wave of minion further away from the tower of your opponents, efficiently means keeping it closer to your tower where it is safer for you. A secure lane experience means you tend to be ambushed from the other lanes, and it only means a longer distance your enemies should run to safety when you choose to attack them. It is vital to keep the wave of minion closer to your tower by the last hitting until the team is powerful enough to make a good push for your tower.

Role Definition: In LoL, it is easy to comprehend you role, and yet the most oft-forgotten techniques available. Knowing your parts means knowing what objective you chosen character must be fulfilling for the team, and works toward getting the purpose all through the play.