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Was Joe Rogan Right About Video Games?


Joe Rogan seems to dislike video games. He ignited a significant social media discussion, stating that playing video games is a waste of time for most people.


In a recent show of JRE podcast with author, fitness expert and entrepreneur Joe De Sena, Rogan said that games are a serious problem in society. However, playing and even creating games offers a unique platform for many, which would otherwise be unimaginable. Also, video games encourage innovation and provide a sense of belonging.


Video games are a billion-dollar industry. Many people around the world play video games in their leisure time. However, parents are often concerned about the negative effects of video games. Video game addiction can cause eye problems and obesity; but if they can be played within certain limits, they have many health and other benefits.


Thus, here are some reasons that prove video games are not a waste of time.


Video Games Act on Your Brain Like Steroids


While recent research has revealed changes in the brain system in video game players, the present study clearly shows a connection between playing video games and a significantly increased brain size.


Video games can serve as a treatment for people with mental conditions that lead to a decrease of certain parts of the brain.


Video Games Could Help Dyslexic Children Read Better


A study from the University of Padua showed that playing action video games can improve the reading skills of children with dyslexia.


Video Games Can Relieve Pain


In 2010, researchers from the American Pain Society demonstrated that video games, especially those with an emphasis on virtual reality, were effective in reducing anxiety or pain caused by medical procedures or chronic diseases.


Playing video games also releases endorphins in the brain, a chemical component generally associated with happiness and capable of calming the feelings of discomfort.


Video Games Enhances Decision-making Capacity


Players must think very rapidly in fast-paced game play. Games tend to help people in real life, as well. Some players can have a better understanding of what is happening around them and take decisions quickly.


Games Increase the Feeling of Well-being


Video games are far from encouraging violence and causing depression, as some suggest. A study conducted by the University of North Carolina in the United States and published in 2013 shows that older people who play video games regularly have a better level of well-being than occasional gamers.


Shooting games such as Halo, Call of Duty or Gears of War also help men to feel better about themselves, according to the American magazine Wired in 2012. These games manage to satisfy some of their psychological needs, such as displaying their masculinity and showing that they are "ready to fight".


The Bottom Line


Playing video games can also make you a better person. In video plays, you fight with the wrong people and make informed decisions. Video games also encourage designers to convey their unique stories and ideas while providing useful insights into various cultural backgrounds that we would be unable to experience otherwise.


Joe Rogan may have tried to emphasize his comments in particular on the heavy reliance of the video game. Nevertheless, he was unaware of the merits of video games and the growth of the industry. Also, addiction is not restricted to gaming and is common in all sectors of life.


As with everything, gaming has negative aspects-and we don't deny that. However, the positive consequences of video games are worth noting and remembering.