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What Are the Best Legends in Season 8 of Apex?


Apex Legends have drastically doubled the Legend roster since first launching the game. The addition of Fuse now makes a total of 16 legends. This provides players with a wider range to choose from, but this poses a new problem. Which Apex Legend should you pick if you wish to rack up wins in the new season?


Respawn has done an incredible job when balancing out all these Apex Legends, as there's little down all of these legends are viable. This is especially true for some of the less frequently used Apex Legends.


Since the release of Apex Legend, some of the characters have undergone massive transformations. When conducting a quick recap of what transpired in the Season 8 update, Wraith’s hitbox was updated, while we saw Horizon’s tactical nerfed once again.


Along with these changes, there have been numerous other tweaks to many of the characters. Not to mention, we saw other changes made in the Chaos Theory update, which switched up the meta again. After these updates, we’re able to develop a detailed breakdown of the current best legends in season 8 of Apex. Take a look:




After the changes were undertaken in Season 6, Bloodhound has quickly risen in the ranks from first being a 'middle of the pack' character. One of the massive pluses of this character remains the Hunt ability. However, season 5 saw another buff, which was a shorter cooldown on the 'Eye of the Allfather' tactical.


Moving to season 6, it's now evident that every champion team has a Bloodhound on its roster. The main reason behind this is that their tactical is crucial in all fights and most teams are felt very vulnerable without a Bloodhound.




Horizon was the newest character in season 7 and set the game on fire. She was noted as some much-needed fresh air to the meta. One of the Scottish Gravitational Manipulator's well-liked features is her incredible mobility. Many players seem to enjoy her many fantastic features, as she became the highest pick-rate character, which knocked Wraith off her top spot.


Black Hole is Horizon’s ultimate and when paired with other characters, like Caustic Gas and the ultimate paired to Gibraltar, the team can quickly become almost invincible. Horizon’s tactical is agile and quick, which helps her get to the top of buildings. Thus, she can easily and effortlessly outthink and escape other opponents. 




When looking at an offensive perspective, Lifeline may not be the most powerful legend out there. However, everyone seems to love her on their squad. She’s equipped with the ability to heal at the simple and rapid press of a button. Not to mention, the Revive Shield is an extreme help in even the most intense fights.


With that being said, Lifeline can also use the blue supply bins for additional gear. Nonetheless, the biggest buff to Lifeline is her Combat Revive, which allows her to revive remotely. This allows her to remain in a battle while her teammate gets revived.