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Who Are The Best League of Legends Support Players?


The support roles within the League of Legends is often treated as a thankless job. Supports are put in a sticky situation as being a good support can lead to you going unnoticed throughout the game's duration. On the other hand, playing poorly can lead to the support getting terribly flamed.


There are three different categories that supports within the League of Legends can be split into. These are engagers, poke supports, and enchanters. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it's likely that champions may crossover to two or more categories. Nonetheless, these categories are a relatively safe golden triangle.


Who Are The Best Support Players Within LoL?


Here are our picks for the best support players that are present in League of Legends:




Morgana is the perfect support for players that enjoy watching their enemies rage from three-second long snares while on an incredible quick cooldown as these enemies die from old age. Morgana is equipped with a Black Shield, which is treated like a get-out-of-jail-free card. Added to this, she has brilliant zoning ability thanks to her crowd control and bindings.


The qualities that Morgana is designed with make her a rewarding character to play with and an infuriating character to play against. The reason for Morgana's rise in the meta is due to Lux’s popularity. For this reason, Morgana is one of the best answers to Lux. This is due to Morgana’s pick rate being incredibly steady.


Some of the advantages of using Morgana are that she is designed with the ability to be ranged, her Black Shield denies CC, and she has a low CD while exhibiting high duration root.




As previously mentioned, Lux has a growing popularity within the game. This is the result of a variety of nerfs to other supports that are deemed as popular. One of the most potent combinations that can be chosen is a Lux support and Sona (being used in the ADC role).


The incorporation of these combined champions can lead to even the simplest of team compositions becoming deadly, competitive, and hard to control. The last game can quickly be turned into a win in a few minutes, due to the vast amount of healing and shielding that's granted from the abilities of these two champions being incorporated into a team.


The advantages that Lux is designed with include a tremendous supportive kit, the ability to be useful even from behind, and can easily win in the laning phase thanks to her well-timed bindings.




The support character, Blitzcrank, has always been seen as very popular within the solo queue. A significant reason for this popularity is his basic hook ability. Blitzcrank was made even more popular among the recent comeback of support champions who are reliant on shields. Thus, his ability to destroy shields has made him a necessary addition to team compositions.


He is also a brilliant counter to squishy champions. This is due to a well-timed hook feature that has the ability to delete these champions and turn the circumstances surrounding the game in Blitzcrank’s favor.