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Cheat Detection Systems In Video Games


Video games can be fun for everyone to enjoy until you find the players you are competing against aren’t super skilled; they’re cheating. Since the dawn of gaming, there has been a need for a way to detect cheaters in video games that can not only prevent them from cheating but also being kicked out if they continue the behavior.


Finally, companies are starting to develop cheat detection systems in video games that can catch cheating players in action. While cheating in video games falls under a legal grey area, the advancement of competitive video gaming has increased the need for these cheat detection system advancements. Here are how they are being applied, who is using them, and how they affect your gaming experience.


How Do Cheat Detection Systems Work


Since there are multiple ways for gamers to cheat, there must also be multiple ways to stop it. Cheating in video games can range from cheat codes implemented by developers to third-party software. 


Cheat Code Prevention


The easiest cheating to detect is the one using cheat codes. While these codes are allowed during gameplay, the cheating player finds that their progress and achievements are not saved at the end of their run. This is an easily applied deterrent that effectively motivates serious players to discontinue cheating in video games. 


Who Is Using Cheat Detection Systems In Video Games


As these cheat detection systems advance, more and more companies are applying them to their systems. Big-name game developers and systems are expected to at least assist in helping to eliminate cheating in the gaming world. 


Companies such as Xbox, PC, and Nintendo are all investing in cheating detection systems for their gameplay. In games such as Assassins Creed, Grand Theft Auto, and WOW, cheat detection systems have been written directly into the game.


How Do Cheat Detection Systems Affect Your Gaming Experience


The biggest way that cheating gamers affect your own gameplay is through online gaming. Online gaming cheating instances can cause major rifts, especially in high-stake scenarios, such as competitive gaming. 


Multiplayer Online Gaming


When multiplayer games were being developed coders specifically left out cheat codes as the advantage would take on a new meaning. It also was fairly easy to spot cheaters in early gaming as it was all done locally. Now internet gaming allows gamers a certain level of anonymity, meaning the cheating detection elevates from the responsibility of the gamers to the developers.


Anti-Cheating Softwares


To minimize cheating in multiplayer gaming, anti-cheating software is used much like anti-virus software. These software include some such as:


  • nProtect
  • GameGuard
  • Punkbuster
  • Valve Anti-cheat


While they are not perfect systems, they have drastically reduced cheating in online gaming.


As players become more aware of how cheating detection systems work, and how to override them, developers are constantly working to stay ahead of the game. In a perfect world, the best way to prevent cheating is for everyone to commit to not cheating. However, the world is an imperfect place, and for now, we just have to rely on cheating detection systems to minimize cheating in video games.