Are you a frequent gamer? Do you enjoy interacting with other
players who are watching you play, or maybe you wish to interact with a gamer
you are watching? Whichever option you pick, Discord Nitro is a gaming chat
application. This chat application offers subscribers two options, a paid
version, and a free version.
With the free version of Discord Nitro, you have all the necessary
capabilities of engaging with teammates and viewers; however, with a paid
Discord Nitro account, you receive massive benefits.
What benefits come with a paid subscription to Discord Nitro? For
one, you receive access to an emoji library, which is not available for the
free subscribers. Another benefit with a paid subscription is that, on a free
Discord Nitro account, your streaming capabilities are low quality, whereas,
with a paid subscription, your streaming quality significantly improves. Your
quality of streaming improves, but you also have increased upload limits and
better screen sharing quality. Free Discord Nitro users share at 720p; however,
if you pay the fee, you can stream at 1080p.
Now, with anything, once you register for an account, you either
receive or must create a unique username. With Discord Nitro, this principle is
true, the one big difference is, if you are a paid member of Discord Nitro, you
can customize your username, rather than just having the one that is randomly
generated upon registration.
If you are a casual gamer, you may be wondering if a discord Nitro
is worth a paid subscription. The first thing to consider is, is it within your
budget? While there is a free and paid subscription to Discord Nitro, there are
tiers to the paid subscription. There is the Nitro version and the Classic. For
a full year subscription of Nitro, it is $99.99 for the year (or $9.99 per
month), and the Classic is $49.99 per year (or $4.99 per month).
Once you have determined if Discord Nitro is within your budget,
it comes down to looking to see whether your gaming styles and habits fall in
line with what Discord has to offer. For example, if you use Discord to solely
chat with your friends, whom you only play with on occasion, the free
subscription to Discord is well worth your value. If you are an avid video
gamer who enjoys streaming and chatting with friends and other players, a paid
subscription would be the way to go.